Friday, April 13, 2007

Ahhhh, Spring has sprung.

The other day I was bemoaning the fact that bulbs do not do very well in Tampa, as it is too hot (wcs: Interlude). I keep thinking that, every Summer and Winter. Then, the Amaryllis appear, send up their buds, and explode.The Gloriosus suddenly appear and climb up the stalks of the still bare Plumeria.
Well, I guess some bulbs do behave rather well, here.

If I could only get an Asiatic Lilly to grow, I think that my bulb garden would be complete. Those however, are consistently annuals. They just never come back the next year.

I guess, that is what gardening is about though, finding out what works, and does not work.

One final note, as I was taking these pictures this afternoon, after work, Windsor was dropping his ball at my feet.
"Come on! Quit pointing and snapping with that thing and throw that ball! NOW!"
Windsor, April 13th, 2007

Other plants are budding out. I will be posting those later, when they bloom.

1 comment:

wcs said...

Those are beautiful. They're not varieties that you see around here, that's for sure.